CDK Unify is the new interface that CDK has implemented to organize all their applications in one place using a single-on method for easier and smoother access. This article will give a simple overview of CDK Unify
To login into CDK Unify, there are two methods:
1. Go to and login
2. Go to "Apps"
3. Select "CDK Unify"
Use the shortcut on your desktop:
This is how it will look based on your "Role":
Hovering over any app and clicking the vertical three-dot icon will open up these options:
Add to My Unify: Add to a personal list of apps used
Learn More: Short description of the application
CDK University: More in-depth training for the application
Workflows are additional applications based on your CDK Profile. They can also be added to "My Unify"
My Unify is your personal list, customized by you, adding your most needed/used applications. They can be removed using the vertical three-dot menu
To close an application in Unify, click on the 3x3 matrix menu and click "X" on the application. Some applications will open a new tab on your browser so they can be closed the usual way.
You can look at additional knowledge based articles about Unify using the "Help" icon
Notifications can be seen using the "Bell" icon
Account settings can be adjusted clicking on your initials
View Profile
Theme: Change page lighting
Submit an Idea: Suggest an idea to CDK
My CDK Team
That is the simple demonstration of Unify. Access to applications are based on your profile settings and role managed by IT support. More information about Unify are in the Help section and CDK University.